
Willi Dorner - figure - photo Lisa Rastl 2021

“figure” in english refers to a person, a character in a novel or film, but also means the figure, the image, the picture or the representation. these comprehensive and different meanings apply to the protagonist in the project. the performer is figure and image, she is subject and object and is tossed back and forth between self-recognition and objectification. she is part of a medial structure that she forms and uses. the protagonist handles and moves in a medial set-up, is enclosed in it and produces contradictions between words and images and between image and body, she finds herself in a loop of self-recognition and representation of herself.

she undertakes investigations to define her space and finds herself enclosed in a temporal and medial closed circuit.since corona we are on our own, isolated, more and more we communicate as image, , are thrown back on ourselves and stylize ourselves. we experience different stagings of others, of ourselves and our loneliness. in “figure” different artistic formats – object, image, video, photo, word, text and body – are directly fused with one another. Each of the different media cannot be clearly distinguished from the other; it shows even more: that one medium contains the other.


Media & About

Performer and Artistic Assistance
Esther Baio

Video Artist
Adnan Popovic

Sound Composition
Paul Ebhart

Willi Dorner


Video Teaser

4.8. – 6.8.2021 at ImPulsTanz Festival, Vienna, Austria


Rando Hannemann, August 2021

“Die Umsetzung von „figure“ ist bestechend. Die Komplexität der hergestellten Beziehungen, der Umgang mit den eingesetzten Werkzeugen (zeitliche, akustische und optische Verschiebungen, Drehungen und Spiegelungen werden virtuos miteinander kombiniert) und die trotzdem irgendwie bescheiden daherkommende, reduzierte Anmutung der Arbeit sind einzigartig.”

“The implementing of“ figure ”is impressive. The complexity of the established relationships, the handling of the tools used (temporal, acoustic and optical shifts, rotations and reflections are combined with each other in a virtuoso manner) and the somewhat modest, reduced impression of the work are unique.”